I now keep this little container on my desk. I pull out a note when one of my students has done something insightful, something kind, or just something that I want to note. I write a few lines about what I wanted to say, read it to the child, then have them put it in their backpack to bring home to their family that night. I've copied them all on brightly colored paper and so far I've been writing a few of them every day.
Hopefully I'll keep up the habit; it takes a very short time to write one, but I love knowing that the student for whom I wrote a love note is going to be able to share something great about themselves with a family member later on... plus, pretty colors and a great font -- how can I go wrong?
That is so lovely! I think grown ups could probably do with a bit of that as well.
Jennifer: that is such a good point! I think I'd love to receive a note about something someone noticed.
Oh what a wonderful idea!!
It must be a lovely feeling to be able to write & give a note like that to one of your students!!
And, I can just imagine how wonderful it must feel to receive a note like that and to be able to show it to your friends and family that very day!
What a great idea. So often school/home communication is by necessity, negative. I hope they get framed!
Hi Nathalie, the kids have been so excited to share a note with their family!
and to mil: I hope that this will help change that tendency!!!
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