So, we mourned and examined the dead body, which was highly interesting to my students. Don't worry, though, we examined it through a plastic bag and didn't actually touch it.
An appropriate amount of time has passed, so today we set up some voting booths and got to vote for a new pet. The question was:
Please circle the pet you would like our class to have. Circle only one.
The grand total -- (click on the image to see it larger)
I guess the Hermit Crab didn't make as much of an impression as I thought it did...

My sister used to have a crab named Carl. He died. :(
Beta fish live forever, apparently, but you can only have one in a container at a time because they're highly eating of other fish including their own kind which I think is fishabilism.
I used to have three long finned goldfish, but when I left my last job, I left them in the care of my boss' 6 year old, who couldn't be parted from them.
Wow...I have a lot to say about fishes.
Dear jenn,
You win my blog for today. ♥
Also, I'm sort of psyched about the whole fish idea. I haven't had a fish in the classroom in a while, and I think the kids are totally interested in a fish that will actually, y'know, move around more often...
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