We took a field trip today (I'll talk more in a future post), and one of the things that I was reminded of is that often, the journey is just as memorable for the children as the actual destination itself.
Today we went into Washington DC to visit the Capitol Visitor Center (before it officially opens to the public, no less!). It was brilliant, cold, exhausting and exhilarating.
When we got back to school and were drawing what we'd seen, just as many children drew pictures of what they'd seen on our bus ride as drew pictures of something from the Capitol itself.
Which, honestly, sums up a lot of what I believe is important in teaching and learning. It is so typically the journey in learning that is the most powerful, where the most growth and reflection occurs. Outcomes and destinations are fine -- important, even -- but certainly not more so than the rich journeys toward that outcome. I invite anyone to think about something they achieved and reflect upon the journey it took to get there. Probably? An important story lies within...

The idea here seems so basic and obvious and, yet, is so very profound. It's always amazing to me how others' brief posts can give me so much to think about.
J.'s long time favorite--
I'm so glad you all had a good time. I can't wait to hear all about it.
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