I want to thank my good friend and former (*sniff*) colleague
Ms. Swamp for pointing out this book about Barack Obama:
Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope by Nikki Grimes. I think I'm going to stop by the bookstore on my way to dance class today to see if I can pick up a copy for my class.
Ms. Swamp -- or "Swampy" as I like to call her -- shared a book that
her class wrote together about Barack Obama. My class will probably write a book in the future as well. Currently, during our Writing Workshop, many students are writing about the election, the candidates, or about going to vote with their family.
I thought I'd share some of their writing:
This is the cover of one little girl's book.
This little boy is writing about Obama and McCain. We talked about the speeches after the election was decided and how both of them used some of the traits that we talk about at our school (from the Reponsive Classroom's CARES).
They used cooperation and assertion, responsibility ...This little boy's book reads like a letter. When he's done, I sort of want to send it to Obama...
Barack Obama, you're a nice person and you are friendly.
Barack Obama, you are a nice person and you are smart.I'll try to upload some more another day. I am just truly blown away by the sheer need some of these children have to write what's going on for them. It's rather inspiring. ♥
Kiddos, huh? They're pretty amazing.
I completely agree. :)
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